Tuesday, October 06, 2020

The Apple Tree Monster is an ancient creature that’s part legend, part reality, but is _all_ super terrifying The Monster gets its deceptively charming name from the way it patiently hides at the tops of apple trees, deep in the forest, watching its prey for hours--days, even—before striking, attacking large animals and especially humans where they sleep before dragging them off to its den to consume at its leisure. However, since this particular forest is also the only tourist attraction in the area and a significant source of revenue for the nearby camping supply and convenience stores, there hasn’t been a lot of effort made to discourage people from trekking into the woods for a hike or to camp overnight. Occasionally, some local tries to warn out-of-towners about the Apple Tree Monster—usually someone with a terrible accent who shouts his warnings from the porch of a gas station—but those people tend to have poor communication skills overall and just seem crazy.

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