Friday, September 25, 2020

Jacques is in no mood to buy a balloon today. It may be because his regular balloon vendor, a sweet squirrel named Candy (probably not her real name), has been abruptly replaced by the dour figure of Death, who not only has a really limited variety of balloons on hand, but is selling them at a ridiculous mark-up. It may also be true that Jacques, like many squirrels, doesn’t like balloons at all, but only pretended to like them because Candy was selling them. Also, squirrels do not like thinking about Death, and especially don't like being confronted with the physical representation of Death. At the end of the day, it will be this inherent distrust of both balloons and Death that is responsible for the lack of squirrel customers today, leaving this lonely balloon vendor with no other choice than to set all these bright-colored balloons free.

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